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312cover image瞬间的永恒 (Momentary Eternity)PERFORMER1634438420.mp3copyright
LanguageAbsolute MusicVoiceInstrumentLYRICISTlikedownload
uploader avatarRhythmGrowthEnergySadCOMPOSERfavoriteoriginal
Tagsquiet BGM relaxing music wonderful moment good time permanent memory miss past miss you 赵海洋

305cover image追梦人 (Dream Catcher)SINGER1630746137.mp3copyright
InstrumentWooden GuitarYear1990罗大佑
uploader avatarRhythmFallingEnergySadCOMPOSERfavoritenot original
TagsChinese TV OST ending song human society forever lover no regret stray footprint permanent memory 罗大佑